FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL) Open menu Close menu HomeNews Contacts CIVL Handbook OrganisationStructure Bureau Presidents of Honour Committees Delegates Working groups Officers Meetings AwardsFAI Awards General Awards Individual Disciplines Companions of Honour Prince Alvaro de Orleans Borbon Grant Newsletter CIVLNews Contacts CIVL Handbook OrganisationStructure Bureau Presidents of Honour Committees Delegates Working groups Officers Meetings AwardsFAI Awards General Awards Individual Disciplines Companions of Honour Prince Alvaro de Orleans Borbon Grant Newsletter SportsOverview Hang Gliding Paragliding XC Paragliding Accuracy PG Aerobatics PG Hike & Fly EventsCIVL Events WXC Online Contest Sporting Code Anti-Doping PilotsChampions RecordsRatified Claims Rankings International Pilot Rating Systems Sporting licence Badges TrainingAccuracy judges TrainingHow to Learn How to Judge Upcoming PGA Judges seminars Aerobatics Judges training IPPI Card Safe Pro Delta Program Safe Pro Para Program SafetyGeneral info Paragliding Safety Hang Gliding Safety Safety Management System Safety oficer EquipmentFS Competition Software XC Instrument Accepted Competition Class ParaglidersDocumentation Brands/Models HarnessesPG Harnesses and Back protectors HG Harnesses HelmetsPG Helmets HG helmets GuidelinesHow to set a FAI record Organising EventsGeneral Info Category 1 Championships Category 2 Competitions Environmental policy Officials handbooksJury Stewards Accuracy Judges Aerobatics Judges Documents Events news All news What's up at CIVL Events news Hang Gliding Paragliding Twitter Facebook Events 12 Oct 1981 1981 Worlds Hang Gliding Class 1 and 2 Championship in Beppu, Japan Pages« first ‹ previous … 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56